Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Zucchini Bread - Gluten Free with Chocolate Chips

Zucchini Bread – Gluten-Free with Chocolate Chips
325F 60 minutes
Two 9x5 loaf pans, oiled
1 cup butter
¾ cup white sugar
¾ cup brown sugar
2 tsp  vanilla
3 eggs
2 ½ cups grated zucchini
1 ½ cup corn flour
1 ½ cup Gluten Free Flour Mix
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp xantham
1 tsp egg replacer
Salt – if you use salted butter, don’t add more.  If you use unsalted butter, 1 tsp salt
1 cup chocolate chips

[Salted butter has ½ tsp in each cube so 1 tsp / cup]

Beat butter and sugars together until fluffy.  I mix butter and white sugar first ...

      then add the brown sugar.

Add eggs and vanilla.  Beat well until fluffy again.  Corn and Rice flours tend to cook up denser than wheat flour and I think that adding some extra air at each step helps with the final texture.  But I could be wrong.  I am certain that it helps when you are making brownies.

Put all dry ingredients (except chocolate chips) into a bowl and mix together well.

Grate zucchini.  Cut in half so you have a little handle when you get to the end.  I grate the zucchini onto a dinner plate to help contain it.

Add a cup of zucchini.  Mix well.  This is what my full cups look like:

Add half the dry ingredients.  Mix well.
Add the remaining zucchini and mix.
Add remaining dry ingredients and mix well.

Stir in Chocolate chips with a spoon.

Pour half the batter in each pan and cook at 325-350F for 50-60 minutes.
Test for doneness by sticking in a toothpick or knife – if done it should come out clean.
Or if the bread is pulling away from the sides of the pan, it should be done.

This bread tastes a lot like classic chocolate chip cookies and what is better that a warm chocolate chip cookie?

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Zucchini Bread - Gluten Free with Cardamom and Ginger

Zucchini Bread - Gluten Free with Cardamom and Ginger

60 minutes
Two 9x5 oiled loaf pans

In large mixing bowl beat well:
     3 eggs
     1 tsp dried orange peel
     2 slight cups white sugar
     1 TBLsp vanilla
Continue beating until light and bubbly.

In separate bowl mix together
     1 cup corn flour
     1 cup quinoa flour
     1 cup Gluten Free flour mix (rice, tapioca, potato starch)
     1 slight tsp xantham
     1 tsp salt
     1 tsp baking soda
     ¼ tsp baking powder
     1 tsp egg replacer
     1 tsp ginger
     1 tsp cardamom
     1 tsp pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon
     ½ tsp nutmeg

Grate 2 ¼ cups zucchini– about one ‘medium’
Put about ¼ cup of grated zucchini in a 1 cup measuring cup then fill to top with corn or canola oil.  Add to egg mixture and beat well.

Lightly pack 1 cup with grated zucchini.  Add to egg mixture and blend in well.
Add ½ of the flour mixture and blend in
Add second cup of zucchini and blend
Add the rest of the flour and mix well.

Pour into two oiled 9x5 loaf pans
Sprinkle golden raisins or dried cranberries on top
Cook 325F for 60 minutes
You can check for doneness by inserting a toothpick – it should come out clean.   
Or, the bread will pull away from the side of the pan when it is done as you can see in this picture.

Not all zucchini has the same moisture content.  If it seems dry, add a little more.  
The bottom picture shows what happens when you add that last extra bit of grated moist zucchini so that it is not wasted - with too much moisture, the bottom of the loaf gets pretty flat and solid.  Still tastes great but it won't win any prizes at the fair.

Vegetarian Zucchini Lasagna - Dinner for August 28

Brown over medium heat in large saucepan:
1# ground meat (optional)
1 medium size onion – chopped
8 +/- cloves fresh garlic – smooshed and chopped
Use a bit of olive oil if not using meat

1 can (16oz) tomato sauce
1 can (16 oz) diced tomatoes or two large tomatoes diced
1 tsp dried basil
1 tsp dried oregano
1 bay leaf
1 TBLsp sugar
Salt to taste - go light on the salt as the cheeses will add quite a bit
½ cup red wine (optional)

Cook over low heat at least 20 minutes but up to several hours.

Mix in bowl:
~12+ oz cottage or ricotta cheese [more will add bulk]
~6+ oz finely grated parmesan cheese [more will deepen the flavor]
~8+ oz grated mozzarella cheese [more will firm up the texture]
Large handful of chopped fresh picked herbs: parsley, basil, oregano
  Adjust flavors if you use dried basil &/or oregano

2 zucchini about 10” long – wash, cut off ends, slice about 1/8” thick.  You can either cut the zucchini into rounds or long strips that look like lasagna noodles.

Layer in 9X13 pan:
1/3 of tomato sauce
1/3 of cheese mixture
Repeat X3

Cook at 350F for 60 minutes uncovered

The Zucchini adds a lot of liquid so this can be rather runny, especially if the tomato sauce mixture is not cooked down very long.  Thank goodness for bowls and spoons, eh?

If you want to make a bit extra, add another can of tomato sauce or diced tomatoes, and another 12 oz of cottage or ricotta cheese.  Then adjust up the spices a bit.  With additional zucchini, this should make enough to fill both a 9x13 plus a 9x9 pan. 

Gluten-Free cooking with a Pacific Northwest Garden

Gluten-Free cooking with a Pacific Northwest Garden
In this blog you will find information and recipes for the food that comes from my kitchen. 
Everything is gluten free and uses mostly seasonal foods. 

Expect future posts on preparing:

Apple Crisp
Chocolate Layer Cake
Chocolate Nut Torte
Curry Blends
Enchilada Casserole
Nut Pie Crust
Pickled Green Beans
Pickled Beets
Potato Salad
Salad Dressings
Smoked Salmon
Sweet & Sour Meatballs
Vegetable Stir Fries
Yellow Cake [recipe development in progress]
Zucchini Lasagne
Zucchini Breads

Future posts will likely include gardening tips, also.
