Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Roasted Nuts and Seeds

Roasted Mixed Nuts and Seeds


2 ½ cups mixed unsalted raw nuts and seeds, for example:
      sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, etc.
2 TBS butter
Mix of spices, examples might be:
      2 TBS fresh rosemary – finely chopped
      1 tsp cumin
      1 tsp curry powder
      1/8 – 1 tsp hot chili pepper powder: cayenne, chipotle, ancho, etc.
      ½ tsp allspice
      1 tsp salt (optional)
1 ½ tsp maple syrup (not artificial maple flavored syrup)
1 TBS brown sugar (optional)


  1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. Measure nuts and seed and toss together in a bowl. Set aside.
  3. In a large sauté or fry pan, gently melt butter over very low heat. 
  4. Add spices to butter.  Mix and heat until fragrant, about 1 minute or less.
  5. Remove from heat and stir in maple syrup.
  6. Add the nuts to the sauté pan. Stir and toss to completely coat. Sprinkle brown sugar over nuts and toss lightly for added sweetness.
  7. Transfer the seasoned nuts to the prepared baking sheet. Spread out in a single layer.
  8. Bake until nuts are toasted and light golden in color, about 10-15 minutes. Turn the pan or put on different shelf part way through cooking to insure even heating.
  9. Allow the nuts to cool on the pan until firm & crunchy (not soft) and cool to touch.
  10. If not for immediate eating, store in a lidded container in the refrigerator or freezer.

Notes.  I cook several batches at a time with each batch having a slightly different blend of spices and sweetness.  Then I mix them all together before serving.

Wild Rice Salad

Wild Rice Salad


  1 cup wild rice
  4 cups stock or salted water
  ¾ cup raw seeds & nuts (pine, pumpkin, walnuts, pecans, etc.)
  ½ cup dried cranberries
  Fresh vegetables, some examples are:
      1 carrot, cut into ½ inch long matchsticks
      1 roma tomato, finely diced
      3 – 5  green onions or scallions, finely chopped
      1 ½ Tbsp chopped chives
      Several inner stalks of celery with leaves, finely chopped
  3 bunches watercress or seasonal salad greens

  1 ½ Tbsp vinegar (apple cider, raspberry, rice, etc.)
  1 Tbsp maple syrup
  1 tsp Dijon mustard
  Juice from ½ orange
  Zest of 1 orange
  ¼ cup olive oil


1. Roast seeds and nuts. If using large, whole nuts, break or chop before roasting.
     In oven: 300F. Spread the nuts & seeds in a small baking pan. Roast 15 minutes. Cool
     On stovetop: Medium heat. Stir nuts & seeds in heavy skillet until golden brown. Cool.
2. Cook wild rice.
  • Rinse wild rice until water is clear.
  • Combine the stock and wild rice in a stockpot, rice cooker, or stovetop sauce pan.
  • Bring to a boil, reduce heat to low, and simmer, covered, for about 45-55 minutes, until the grains are just opened up and tender.
  • Spread the hot rice on a baking sheet and let cool.
3. Make vinaigrette.
  • Mix together vinegar and seasonings – whisk or shake well.
  • Add oil and mix vigorously.
4. Make salad.
  • When rice is cool, scrape it into a large bowl and add seeds & nuts, dried cranberries, and fresh vegetables.
  • Toss all ingredients together with the vinaigrette.
  • Refrigerate for at least one hour, and serve over watercress or greens.
5. Variations:
  • Top with marinated, cooked, and thinly sliced meat.
  • Use a mixture of brown rice and wild rice, cooked together.
  • Use fresh cranberries – cut in half, cook 10 minutes in simple syrup, drain.