Saturday, October 29, 2011

Apple Crisp - gluten free

Apple Crisp – Gluten Free

350F 40 minutes

3 – 5 apples – enough to loosely fill 9x9 inch baking pan with room on top for topping
1 cup white sugar
¾ cup corn flour
1/3 cup butter
¼ cup water
1 tsp salt
1 tsp cinnamon
  Chopped almonds
  Dried cranberries

Wash and cut apples into small chunks.  I use a combination of Granny Smith with a sweet variety such as Fuji or Gala.  Any 'baking' or 'pie' variety works well such as Braeburn and Rome.  Delicious tend to cook up very soft. 
Place in 9x9 inch baking pan.
Add water to pan.
Sprinkle apples with salt and cinnamon

In separate bowl, rub sugar, flour and butter together until well blended.
Spread evenly over top of apples

Cook at 350F for 40 minutes

cover apples with chopped almonds &/or dried cranberries before covering with the sugar mix

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